Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Before, After, and During "Drought"

Here is the "Drought" show, from its humble beginnings to its grand finale. My intent is to capture the hard work that went into the installation and cleanup, and most importantly, recreate the feel of the show -- and the buzz surrounding the gallery opening. All of the featured artworks are depicted. In retrospect, it is exhilirating (and amazing) to see how even though we had our differences, we were able to mesh our ideas and transform an empty space into a "real live gallery" in a single day.

If you would like to have any of these images, please let me know...I'm happy to share. (Lisa)


  1. I will try to get these pictures come next Tuesday.

  2. thanks for your photos Lisa. nice documentation.

  3. Thanks for the pics - make it look fun.
    I'll bring a drive - appreciate you sharing.
