Saturday, April 25, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Stas Orlovski -- Artwork for Body Show

Sculptures with Storm,
2006, Charcoal, graphite, ink, xerox transfer,monoprint on paper on canvas
40 x 28 inches

2002, Charcoal, graphite, watercolor, ink,silverpoint, watercolor on paper on canvas
24 x 24 inches
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Complete Body
Irony of Laughter
Kafka saw humor not only as a defense against the pain and anguish he felt inflicted upon him by the outside world, but also against the pain he rained upon himself. This was a man who chose words carefully and used humor sparingly. But when Kafka used humor, as shown here, he used it to further emphasize the horror of what was going on in his worlds.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Positive Thoughts
Stay "Small"...But Think Big.In challenging times in our lives, sometimes we need to look around and "take in" what nature gives us. When we are facing challenges, just sit at the beach and look at the vast ocean, look at the night sky with the billions of stars that are around us, or gaze at a makes us, and our challenges seem small in comparison. This contrast can help us to think about how tiny our challenges are,and how big the Universe is, and all the possibilities that await us.
(from Dr. Vik's spin it and win it blog)
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Body Art for Your Consideration

Coleen Sterritt
"...tangential to the sculpture and often implicate abstracted meditations
on the body as oozing, as skeletal, as plant like, while always remaining
contemplative studies of form."
"Sterritt's work on paper bears a significant formal and spiritual connection to the sculptural work (although
the paper pieces do not serve as studies for the three-dimensional). And both bristle with suggestions
of the human body, of tools and tables, of machines and furniture, of things as they are and as they appear
to us in dreams."

Salomon Huerta - addendum
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Body - from Merriam-Webster
Is body from head to toe & all parts in between - either as a whole or as parts?
The definition includes that but also other uses of the word.
Do we want to literally be the human body in an obvious, recognizable & direct manner?
Is a conceptual idea of (human) body included in our show?
Main Entry:
1 body
Middle English, from Old English bodig; akin to Old High German boteh corpse
Date: before 12th century
1 a: the main part of a plant or animal body especially as distinguished from limbs and head : trunk
b: the main, central, or principal part:
as (1): the nave of a church
(2): the bed or box of a vehicle on or in which the load is placed
(3): the enclosed or partly enclosed part of an automobile
2 a: the organized physical substance of an animal or plant either living or dead:
as (1): the material part or nature of a human being
(2): a dead organism : corpse b: a human being : person
3 a: a mass of matter distinct from other masses
b: something that embodies or gives concrete reality to a thing ;
also : a sensible object in physical space c: aggregate , quantity
4 a: the part of a garment covering the body or trunk
b: the main part of a literary or journalistic work : text
2b c: the sound box or pipe of a musical instrument
5: a group of persons or things: as a: a fighting unit : force
b: a group of individuals organized for some purpose
6 a: fullness and richness of flavor (as of wine)
b: viscosity , consistency —used especially of oils and grease
c: denseness, fullness, or firmness of texture
d: fullness or resonance of a musical tone
I don't think we mean this meaning -
Main Entry:
2 body
transitive verb
Inflected Form(s):
bod·ied; body·ing
15th century
1 : to give form or shape to : embody
2 : represent , symbolize —usually used with forth
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Salomon Huerta

Huerta's subjects are people he encounters on the streets of Los Angeles and who agree to pose in his studio. His oil paint renderings portray his models without ornamentation in functional, utilitarian dress. Placed against glossy, colorful backgrounds in cool, contrasting colors that evoke contemporary fashion layouts and billboard advertisements, Huerta's austere subjects stand or sit squarely, heads close-shaved, arms at their sides, their bodies filling up the picture plane. The smooth surfaces of Huerta's works are characterized by a clean, hard finish, in which traces of the artist's hand are as elusive as the individuals he paints..."
Stas Orlovski

Stas Orlovski will send me jpeg images to be considered for the Body Show, but here are some samples of his artwork. Within his melancholy landscapes, he embeds various body parts. Below is his biography from Mixed Greens, his gallery in New York. NOTE: In 2008, he was in the prestigious COLA show (City of Los Angeles Artist Fellowship).
"The iconography of full moons, reflecting pools, garden statuary, songbirds, butterflies and flowers has long been associated with notions of nostalgia and sentimentality. I draw on inspirations ranging from Russian children’s books to Victorian illustrations, from Japanese prints to Dutch botanical paintings in an effort to explore the sentimental image as a vehicle for personal expression. I engage the bittersweet, the quaint, the melancholy and the picturesque to depict a world of glorious decay.
Often I employ paper mounted onto a stretched canvas to evoke a collage aesthetic associated with collections and scrapbooks as well as to achieve a delicate ground that registers every detail, brushstroke, stain, smudge, tear and deviant mark. Using a wide range of historical materials, methods and techniques, these works attempt to recreate the sensations and mechanisms of loss, memory and desire."